Elevent Star dance competition
Elevent Group wishes you, dear competitors and spectators of the Elevent Star- competition, welcome to Helsinki, Finland. This is our 12th competition in Helsinki already, and the venue is spectacular – like a mini-Blackpool! We in Elevent have done everything possible to make this day a unique experience to all.
We in Elevent commit ourselves to striving for excellency in whatever we do, and we sincerely hope you all enjoy your stay in Helsinki and the athmosphere and excitement of the competitions. Let us all cheer the great competitors, professionals and amateus alike, on the dance floor!
Welcome to Helsinki!
Elevent team

Up-coming competitions:
Competition categories
– standard and latin
– for amateur dancers, not ProAm
– two age categories, youth-adult (16-35) and seniors (over 35). According to your birthday.
– danced as single dances, you may choose which dances you compete in.
– price 10€/dance
– syllabus for figures according to the Finnish Dance Sport Federation (FDSF). E-class may also dance c-figures if they wish. Helena Ahti-Hallberg will serve as the jury.
– syllabus latin, syllabus standard
– also couples competing in E- class may use C-figures. Now it is possible for beginners to dance for instance Viennese Waltz or Rumba!
– no dress rules
– entry at the bottom of this page, under open category.
Age categories
A: under 40
B: over 40
C: over 50
D: over 60
- Newcomer: all 10
- Single Dance: Bronze, Silver, Gold
- Multi Dance (no age categories): Bronze, Silver, Gold
2 dance (cc,r), (w, t)
3 dance (cc, s, j), (w, t, q)
4 dance (cc, s, r, j), (w, t, f, q)
5 dance - Scholarship: Open
- Showcase
- American Smooth:
- Single Dance: Bronze, Gold
Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz - Scholarship
- Single Dance: Bronze, Gold
Entry fees
Early Bird -prices valid until 4.3.2023 asti. Noral price in parenthesis. Entry ends 18.3.2023, at 23.59.
Stardust – combined E-C- class for amateurs (per dance) 10€
- Newcomer (per dance): 20€ (30€)
- Multi Dance 2 dance challenge 40€ (50€), 3 dance challenge 60€ (70€), 4 dance challenge 80€ (90€), 5 dance challenge 90€ (90€)
- Single Dance, Open Bronze, Open Silver and Open Gold 20€ (30€) / dance
- Scholarship: 90€ (100€)
- American Smooth (per dance): 20€ (30€)
- VIP Show Case: 100€ (110€)
- Ticket to Venue: included
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna about 300 m from the venue.
Sokos Hotel Vaakuna
Asema-Aukio 2
00100 Helsinki
phone.+358 20 1234 610
Price: 155 EUR / 1 hh, 175 EUR / 2 hh
E-mail: sokos.hotels@sok.fi
Mention the code ELEVENTSTAR if you reserve through e-mail or by phone.
Through the reservation site:
Reservation code:
ATTN! The rooms are available at this price until 3.3.2023
Aleksi Tiira
A) Göran Nordin, England
B) Gustaf Lundin, Sweden
C) Juha Leskinen, Finland
D) Helena Ahti-Hallberg, Finland
E) Vesa Anttila, Finland
F) Markku Luttinen, Finland
No live stream at this competition.
The photos from the competition can be found here and on the Elevent Star Helsinki Finland facebook page after the competition.
If you wish to have the original (or to be photographed), please contact jari@kuvauspalvelusalopino.fi.
- 13.00 – 14.30 LATIN, Göran Nordin (HSDS, Tallberginkatu 1, C-rappu, 4 krs, Helsinki)
- 15.00 – 16.30 STANDARD, Gustaf Lundin (Balanssi Studiot, Tallberginkatu 1, D-rappu, 4 krs, Helsinki)
- Price: One group 45€, 2 groups 80€, foreigners can pay cash
- Private lessons: Standard amatoorijaos@stol-ry.fi , Latin veerahedman@gmail.com
- Organizer: Finnish Amateur League
- Registration and more information before 18.3.2023 to amatoorijaos@stol-ry.fi
Results here!
Competition info
The competition starts at 12 am and ends at 10 pm.
The schedule will be published week 12.
Vanha Ylioppilastalo,
Mannerheimintie 3,
00100 Helsinki.
The hotel for the competition, Sokos hotel Vaakuna, is only 300 m from the Venue.
The most convenient car park is situated under the railway station. Adress P-Eliel, Asema-aukio 1. About 300m to the Venue.
Garderobe next to the entrance, price 3 €.
Registration starts at 10.30, next to the entrance.
ProAm-categories according to the NDCA rules
Stardust category closed syllabus according to the Finnish Dance Sport Federation.
There is a café at the venue. Lunch is served from 12.00-20.00.
10.30 – 10.45 Ballroom
10.45 – 11.00 Latin
11.00 – 11.15 Ballroom
11.15 – 11.30 Latin
11.30 – 11.45 Ballroom
11.45 – 11.55 Latin
The hostess of the competition is Sofia Kohtala. She will help you in any matter. Please don’t hesitate to approach when needed!
Dressing rooms are situated on the second floor. A small Unisex – dressing room can be found next to the competition floor, mainly for quick changes.
Our fabulous Finnish and Ukrainian team is ready to make you look amazing!
Hair and make-up at the Venue on Saturday
The Finnish top make-up artists Ilkka and Raili!
Ilkka Ruotsalainen
+358 400 802 132
Raili Hulkkonen
Price 90 €
Cash only.
The Ukrainian mother & daughter team will make you shine!
Svetlana Burakova (mother, hair)
Aleksandra Burakov (daughter, hair and make-up)
+380 63 394 7634 (WhatsApp)
Price: hair 75€, make-up 75€
Cash only.
Check out their work below!
Photos by Jari Salopino, jari@kuvauspalvelusalopino.fi
Check your own prize ceremony from the schedule.
Remember to return your numbers to the registration, a fine of 30 € for unreturned numbers.
The competitiors may stay and watch the competition after their performance. Upper balcony reserved for competitors. No ticket needed.
Register with the form below
Ticket sale
Tickets: Lippu.fi
Ticket sales starts 20.2.2023
Price: 27,50€
From the door, the ticket is 20€, the seating ticket 30€.
The competition will be live-streamed from 12 pm. The stream is free of charge and can also be watched after the competition on eleventlive.fi. The link will be published here during the competition week.
Upcoming competitions: